Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Job Search Rules

The Job Search Rules

I just have to share this little project with you. I know it does not relate to the Job Search Process, but nonetheless, I think you will find it interesting.

Today is Thursday February 5, 2009 and just 2 weeks ago I embarked on a case study. A study that could and did prove, that you can rank a website or blog very well on Google in a very short time. And do it at zero cost, through Organic Marketing!

I started a blog called Best Affiliate Marketing Tools. This would be the home of my case study and I would document things as I went along. This past Monday I even did a youtube video about the project.

In just two weeks I was able to take the Best Affiliate Marketing Tools blog from nowhere to the # 2 position on page one of Google for that long tail keyword phrase. I was to say the least, completely over the top. You know, people normally pay huge money to achieve a page 1 ranking on Google, and here I was doing it for zero dollars.

For the record, I did have help using Peter Drews Brute Force SEO software. I learned about keyword research, blogging, RSS feeds, article marketing, social bookmarking and pinging. Done properly, these are all the things needed to move up in the Google rankings.

I must admit I am currently looking for someone to mastermind this project with, as once you fully grasp the achievement here, you will see the huge potential getting any site or blog to page 1 on Google. The possibilities are truly limitless.

So again, sorry for getting off topic here but I just felt compelled to share my new success with everyone. For starters, just type in a Google search window, the phrase Best Affiliate Marketing Tools and you will see the blog ranked on page one, in the # 2 position. It still just blows my mind!

Best Affiliate Marketing Tools - A Case Study With Proof! video on youtube is also here. As always, I look forward to your feedback.