Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Job Search - Rule # 1

The old template style cover letter and resume are virtually
dead. Why? Because everyone and their dog is sending exactly
the same thing. Employers across the board have said to me,
"please let me read about a real person" Don't be afraid of
being real, in your cover letter especially. Your cover letter
makes them want to read your resume and your resume qualifies
you to be interviewed. For most people, the functional resume is
the best route to go. It gets your immediate skill set closest to
the top of the resume page. Go functional .. it works! Fighting
this one and going chronological just might make you appear to
be overqualified and that will work against you.

Respect the reader always, don't force them to chase your skills
relevant to the job at hand. Remember, all we want a cover letter
and resume to do is get us the interview. Don't eliminate
yourself from the running by writing a three page cover letter
and four page resume. Cover letters should be no more than one
page .. PERIOD! Good editing can do this every time. I don't
care how much experience you have, resumes are a two page max
issue. Always, give them enough to be interested and an
interview will follow and there you can elaborate on all the
details. It's all about good editing & that = Job Search Made Easy!

In our next installment, your resume! Things you need to know!

Today, I teach college students and mature students alike on advanced interviewing skills and these days it's more about EQ than IQ!

If you'd like to know more, let me hear from you .. thanks, Mike

A very worthwhile viewing http://www.212movie.com/ Hit Counter

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